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What Should The Next Generations’ Consoles Cost?

With the release of the next generation of consoles on the horizon, what should the PS5 and Project Scrlett cost? Find out what we think!



Mike Nigrelli

I’ve been writing almost as long as I’ve been playing video games. I also do standup and improv. The game that made me realize that video games could be more than just a toy, was Metal Gear Solid 2.  src=

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Video games can be an expensive hobby, with many new games going for $60 a pop. But believe it or not, it could be worse. I remember being a kid wanting to buy Shadows of the Empire for the Nintendo 64. Even without pre-order bonuses, games were $70 brand-new at the time.

The simple fact is that video games have done a pretty good job of not going up in price with inflation — Deluxe Editions and microtransactions have seen to that. The cost of the systems, however, is a different story. The price of a video game system can make or break a company’s success. So, this leads to the inevitable question: what should next generations’ consoles cost?

Price Could Make All the Difference

Price is the major decisive factor in what people buy. It was a 100 dollar difference (among MANY other factors) that caused the massive success of Sony‘s PlayStation over the Sega Saturn. (Seriously, look up the E3 where Sony announced the first PlayStation’s price. It’s a real mic drop moment.)Microsoft, Project ScarlettImage provided by Microsoft.

Nowadays, it might be a tad unrealistic for a high tech systems like the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Scarlett to cost $200 like the Dreamcast did. Heck, it’s pretty unrealistic to expect these systems to even cost $300, like the PlayStation 2. Such high powered computers possess so many functions and applications that it’s basically like buying a new family computer.

It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts

The average consumer might not care that the PlayStation 5 runs on an 8-Core AMD Ryzen Zen 2 CPU processor. They might not care that the Scarlett runs on a 1.6GHz AMD Ryzen Zen 2 CPU processor. They might not care, but it’s the power of these systems that are going to be a major selling point, and the possible reason they could be around $500 each if current leaks are to be believed.Sony, PS5Image from oe24.

What Do I Have to Do to Sell You These Consoles Today?

The average person console player will be more interested in what games, or more to the point, what exclusives the systems are going to have. Both Sony and Microsoft are going to have their fanboys; their soldiers in the console wars. Microsoft will have the exclusive rights to Double Fine and Obsidian. Sony has Insomniac and Kojima Studios.And you may think that it doesn’t matter whether or not pressing a shoulder button actually feels like pulling a real bow and arrow. The possibility may exist that features heavily utilized in marketing, like “adaptive triggers” might have little to no use when it comes to developers creating the actual games. Truthfully, these extra features raise the price of your console as well, no matter how unimportant they end up being.

How Much SHOULD the Consoles Cost?

We don’t know everything about the next generation of consoles from Microsoft and Sony. Heck, we don’t even know the official name of Project Scarlett. Right now, we don’t know all of the features or any of the games of either system.It’s pretty safe to assume that no one wants to pay more for a new system, but if they have to, they want to get more for their money. It’s impossible to tell if the rumored $500 for the PS5 is too much. All we know is that on the release days of both consoles, the Nintendo Switch Lite will not be more than $200.Nintendo, Switch LiteImage provided by Nintendo.

But what do you think? What would you pay for the new generation of consoles? Which are you more excited to see? Let us know in the comments below!

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