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Switch Cloud Saves Not All It’s Cracked Up To Be | Culture of Gaming

Nintendo has announced cloud saves for the Nintendo Switch...finally. But all is not perfect. Click here to find out what bothers people about the prospect.

The day has finally come, ladies and gentlemen. No longer must we complain that Nintendo is not saving the progress of our games to the cloud. That’s right. If your Nintendo Switch is broken or stolen, your game saves are safe. Unfortunately, along with this news comes the harsh reality that things are not that simple. Details have surfaced about the “fine print” about your lost save data, and not everyone is happy.

Switch Is Gonna Make You Pay

People are complaining about something that they experienced with Sony and Microsoft. The online service that customers formerly received for free, now is a charged subscription service. The Nintendo Switch Online service will charge you $19.99 a year for an individual account and $34.99 a year for a family account. As stated before, customers are used to this by now, seeing as Sony and Microsoft have both done this as well.

There are some bright sides to this that one should be aware of, however. First of all, it has been stated that Fortnite players will be able to keep their accounts without switching over to this new service. Many players would find it inexcusable to have to pay for this new service on top of their Fortnite account.

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