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How Smash Bros Ultimate Could Sell You (And Me) A System | Culture of Gaming

Smash Bros Ultimate may be the can't miss game of the season, but is it a system seller? What is a system seller? Find out here!

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is out, and I’m not going to lie, besides a rather repetitive-looking single player mode, it looks like one of the best video game crossovers of all time. I write this piece not to argue whether this is a true statement (though I would love to hear what your favorite game crossovers are in the comments below). With how much of a smash hit this game seems to be (oh god, I swear, no pun intended), it makes me question, what is a system seller? Is there ever a time when you should buy a system for one game?

I feel I must start this out with my usual warning that this is my opinion and mine alone. If you bought any system for any one reason that you either stand by or regret, that’s your decision and your life. Along with your favorite crossovers in video games, let me know if you ever bought a system for one game. This is going to be fun.

What Is Your Motive To Buy A System?

Let’s start with Super Smash Bros. itself. Super Smash Bros. has always been a series about friends and competition. That’s why the repetitive single player mode of Ultimate doesn’t particularly offend me.

The thing is, as time went on there were more and more games that I looked forward to. There were more reasons to rationalize buying the system for one game. BioShock and Mass Effect weren’t available yet, but there were so many other reasons to buy it. I’m rambling but my point is, I waited until there was more than one reason to invest in entire system.

And that’s really all there is to it. It’s not one reason that sells me a system. It’s one major reason with lots of littler reasons stacked on top of it. But that’s just me.

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