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Unveiling the Depths: Shadow of the Erdtree Introduces Optional Bosses to Test Players’ Mettle

Elden Ring’s menacing adversary, Malenia, has etched her name in the annals of gaming history for her relentless assaults and uncanny ability to regenerate health, claiming the lives of countless players. Her daunting challenge became a beacon of hope for one exceptional player, hailed as a hero for vanquishing her on behalf of countless others.

Prepare yourselves, for in the forthcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, the call for Let Me Solo Her may echo once more. Speaking with IGN, director Hidetaka Miyazaki teased the presence of optional bosses “tuned in a similar way to the likes of Malenia.”

Veterans of FromSoftware’s trials will scarcely flinch at this revelation. The tradition of embedding the most formidable boss encounters within DLCs dates back to the Dark Souls series, with memorable battles such as Artorias and Manus in Dark Souls 1, the Fume Knight in Dark Souls 2, and Sister Friede in Dark Souls 3. Often situated towards the latter part of the game, these encounters are crafted to test the mettle of high-level characters. While the precise juncture of accessing Shadow of the Erdtree remains undisclosed within the typical Elden Ring journey, speculation arises that it might be intended for the latter stages.

Noteworthy is Miyazaki’s mention of “optional bosses,” suggesting the potential emergence of a duo akin to the infamous Godskin encounters, infamous for their challenge in Elden Ring. Only Miyazaki himself, the maestro behind these twisted trials, holds the answer.

“We want to create a challenging experience that tests the players and that gives them a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when they get through these struggles,” Miyazaki articulates regarding the difficulty of Shadow of the Erdtree. “However, we do want to stress that there’s still a freedom of approach and a breadth of strategy to these encounters. And that means both how you approach them if you want to face these challenges or come back to them later and circumvent them and find another way around and come back when you’re ready.”

Much akin to the humbling encounters with the patrolling knight at the game’s outset, one might stumble upon these optional confrontations early on, appearing deceptively conquerable. Yet, heed the wisdom of a seasoned Souls veteran: Do not be beguiled by a boss with a seemingly diminutive health bar. They shall rise anew, unveiling a phase 2 armed with myriad lethal tactics, for FromSoft revels in having the ultimate jest.

The gauntlet has been cast—the challenge, or perhaps the thrill, awaits. Arm yourselves with shields and ample healing elixirs as you prepare for the release of Shadow of the Erdtree on June 21st.

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