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Starting World of Warcraft in 2023 | Starting Guide

Dragonflight, has brought a revitalizing breath of fresh air to WOW. It’s no surprise that a lot of players are thinking about coming back or starting to play for the first time. But there is so much information out there that it can be hard to figure out if this game is right for you. Let’s look at a few important things you should think about before jumping into the World of Warcraft Dragonflight world.

Character Creation

Are you making a character from scratch, or do you already have one? It’s important to remember that many of Dragonflight’s cool new features, like dragon-riding races and new zones, can’t be accessed until you reach level 58. Depending on where you start, it might take a while before you can try all the new things that Dragonflight has to offer. So, if you want to jump right into the action, you might want to start with a character who already exists.

For people who have never played the game before, the first ten levels are on Exiles Reach, an island that shows them how to play. This step can’t be skipped, but it’s quick and can be made more fun by exploring the island’s different corners and nooks. Once you’ve finished with Exiles Reach, you’ll move on to the leveling storyline for Battle for Azeroth, which takes you from level 10 to 60 (or 58 if you’re eager to get to Dragonflight).

Main Content – Level 60 WoW

Even though going through 60 levels of content before getting to the new expansion may seem like a lot, it doesn’t take as long as you might think. The leveling storyline and zones for Battle for Azeroth are solid, so you won’t be bored or uninterested during the journey. Even if you usually level up slowly, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you move through the content. And once you reach level 58, you’ll finally be able to go to the Dragon Isles and see all the new and exciting things that Dragonflight has to offer.

So, whether you’ve played World of Warcraft for years or are just getting started in the world of Azeroth, you should think about these things before jumping into Dragonflight. Since there is so much to see and do, it’s important to get off on the right foot and set yourself up for a fun and exciting journey.

Content Max Rush

If you want to get to max level content as quickly as possible, you should focus on the main story quests and not get distracted by side quests or exploration. Battle for Azeroth’s leveling storyline is well thought out, and there’s enough to do in each zone to get you to max level quickly. There may be a few times when you need to get up to speed, but these times are rare. Focusing on the main story will give you access to everything you need to get ready for the endgame.

In Dragonflight, World of Warcraft’s profession system got a complete makeover, and you can now make your profession your main game focus. But it’s important to keep in mind that many of the best recipes are locked behind reputation gates or can only be gotten by chance from different activities. This means that you’ll need to spend time doing other things besides your job if you want to do well at it. Also, be careful with how you spend your specialization points, because you can’t move them or get them back later. Keep in mind that a lot of people have been playing Dragonflight since it came out, so you may be starting late.

Exploration and Chance Meetings

Dragonflight is the perfect expansion for you if you like to look in every corner of a zone and find hidden treasures. Each zone is full of interesting things to find, and there are many different levels to explore. Even though riding dragons is a cool new feature, don’t be afraid to get off your mount and explore on foot.

Playing Alts

Dragonflight has made some changes to make it easier to play as an alt for people who like to do that. There is no borrowed power to level up, and dragonriding talents are tied to your account, making it easier to level up your alts. But reputation levels are not tied to an account, which can be bad for people who want to experience all of the reputation-related storylines. Even though this might not be a deal-breaker for people who love playing alts, it’s still important to remember.

If you like MMOs that look like theme parks, Dragonflight is a great choice. But it’s important to remember that at max level, the game still works like a gear treadmill, and players are usually led to do certain things to advance their characters. Even though you can choose from different goals, the game is not a sandbox.

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