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Rainbow Six Extraction Has An Identity Crisis

Following the success of their hit team based shooter Rainbow Six: Siege, Ubisoft is bringing a brand new title to the table: Rainbow Six Extraction

Rainbow Six Extraction Has An Identity Crisis

With E3 already come and gone this year we’ve been able to see some great new titles introduced from various game publishers. Following the success of their hit PvP team based shooter Rainbow Six: Siege, Ubisoft is bringing a brand new title to the table:  Rainbow Six: Extraction. A  co-op team based shooter which has the familiar Operators face a brand new threat. This would be reminiscent of Siege’s limited time game-mode during Operation Chimera: Outbreak. Outbreak had operators move through a map space in order to reach a final objective, fighting hordelike and special enemies along the way.


Firstly, Extraction is an entirely different type of game from it’s sister game Rainbow Six: Siege. While it still maintains similar mechanics to Siege, such as breakable walls and operators with different abilities. Extraction instead focuses on a campaign and replayable missions to keep you entertained. Almost all the gameplay is exactly the same as Siege, but there’s more of an emphasis on stealth here as you’re facing up against AI instead. From the looks of it, there’s a limited amount of operators currently available, and some of their gadgets are slightly changed. For example, Vigil can now go completely invisible to enemies, highlighting his stealthiness in what is quite a buff from is behavior in Siege.

From most gameplay shown, there doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of enemies. This is in stark opposition to Siege’s Outbreak mode which was far more hordelike and aimed to overwhelm the players with enemies. Without the numerous enemies there, the gameplay looked incredibly dull with basically no difficulty whatsoever. Most gameplay was: “Go to A”, “shoot X “, or reach the exit with more walking around than anything else. This is an absolute shame as Siege’s base shooter mechanics still feel great to use. Especially in Outbreak it was far more fun to rain bullets down on enemies while barely clutching the objective. Obviously the gameplay shown to most people was not on the highest difficulty and only showcased a level or two which means there’s potential for so much more.

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