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Panasonic 3DO M2 (Canceled) Retrospective

The video game industry has gone through revolutionary changes over the past few decades. Starting from simple 2D games to complex, highly-detailed 3D masterpieces, the evolution has been incredible to witness. Along with this advancement, we’ve seen the rise and fall of various consoles over the years. One console, in particular, was the Panasonic 3DO M2, which has a fascinating history. An innovative console that never saw the light of day, the Panasonic 3DO M2 was developed by Panasonic with the aim of creating a unique gaming experience for players worldwide. Unfortunately, it never hit the market, despite its updated hardware and graphical capabilities. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the Panasonic 3DO M2, including its features, history, reception, sales, games, and a personal review to gain insight into this fascinating, unrealised console.

Overview of the Panasonic 3DO M2

The Panasonic 3DO M2, a video game console first announced in 1994, was intended to be the successor to the original 3DO system, which had been released in 1993. The system was designed to compete with the PlayStation and the Sega Saturn in the fifth-generation console market. The 3DO M2 was unique in that it allowed for real-time compression of video content using a co-processor chip, allowing for unprecedented image resolution.

The 3DO M2 console featured a sleek and compact design and was primarily black with red trim. The console also featured an LCD screen that displayed the current game or menu. The system came with two gamepads, which featured an ergonomic design and an innovative “X-Y-Z” thumbstick. Additionally, the console utilized CD-ROMs, which allowed for larger game sizes than other competing consoles could offer at the time.

When compared to other fifth-generation consoles, the 3DO M2 had some unique features. It offered a wide range of possibilities to developers, such as an open architecture. The console was also comparatively easy to program for. However, the 3DO M2 had a shortcoming in terms of its graphical capabilities, as the console’s graphics processing unit was weaker than those used in competing consoles like the PlayStation or Sega Saturn.

Despite its advancements in video compression technology and ergonomic controller design, the Panasonic 3DO M2 struggled to find widespread success in the competitive video game console market. Despite being more powerful in some areas than its competitors, lack of developer support, high hardware costs, and marketing missteps ultimately led to the console’s demise.

History of the Panasonic 3DO M2

The Panasonic 3DO M2 was a video game console that was set to be released in 1997. It was the successor to the original Panasonic 3DO console, which was released in 1993. The development of the 3DO M2, however, was plagued with issues from the outset, which ultimately led to its cancellation and subsequent disappearance from the market.

The console was developed in collaboration with Matsushita, Sanyo, and Time Warner. It was intended to be a more powerful and compact version of the original 3DO, but various factors impeded its progress. One of the primary reasons for the 3DO M2’s cancellation was the growing popularity of other consoles like the PlayStation and Nintendo 64, which made it difficult for the 3DO M2 to compete.

Another significant factor was the high development cost. The production budget was supposed to be around $30 million, which was considered a considerable amount at that time. However, the project costs ballooned to around $100 million, leading Panasonic to terminate the project.

The cancellation of the console was a significant disappointment for both game developers and gamers alike since the console promised to offer much-improved graphics and gameplay experience. It was a sad ending to what could have been an excellent successor to the original 3DO.

Panasonic 3DO M2 Reception: Initial Reaction from Consumers and Critics, Legacy, and Impact on the Gaming Industry

The Panasonic 3DO M2 caused a stir in the gaming industry when it was announced, but not necessarily for positive reasons. Critics and consumers alike were skeptical about the console due to its high price, the lack of third-party support, and the potential for low sales. Despite these concerns, some loyal fans could not wait to get their hands on it.

Upon release, the reception of the Panasonic 3DO M2 was mixed. While some praised its graphics and advanced technology, others criticized its high price and limited game library. Unfortunately, the console’s weak sales ultimately led to its cancellation just a few months after its debut.

Despite its cancellation, the Panasonic 3DO M2 left a lasting legacy on the gaming industry. It represented the first console to use DVD technology, which would later become the norm for future consoles. Additionally, its advanced graphics capabilities influenced many other consoles in the years following its release. While its performance in terms of sales was disappointing at the time, the Panasonic 3DO M2 has since become a bit of a collector’s item, highly prized by hard-core gamers and console collectors alike.

Sales of the Panasonic 3DO M2

The Panasonic 3DO M2 was released at a time when the video game console industry was in its infancy. Compared to its competitors, such as the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Saturn, the 3DO M2 struggled to make an impact on the market.

While the exact sales numbers of the 3DO M2 are not publicly available, it is widely known that the console sold poorly. One major factor contributing to this was the high price point, which was around $700 at launch. This put the console out of reach for many potential buyers, who instead opted for more affordable options like the PlayStation.

Another issue was the lack of desirable games available for the console. Despite its impressive technical capabilities, the 3DO M2 lacked a strong library of games that would entice consumers to make the investment. This, combined with the high price point, made the console a hard sell for retailers.

Despite its lack of commercial success, the Panasonic 3DO M2 is still considered a fascinating relic of gaming history. The console’s cutting-edge technology and innovative design paved the way for future consoles to come. In the next section, we will explore the games available for the 3DO M2, and how they impacted the console’s reception among gamers.

Games for the Panasonic 3DO M2

The Panasonic 3DO M2 showed promising features and specifications, which put it in direct competition with other groundbreaking consoles of the time. Still, due to its cancellation and the emergence of its predecessors, there are only a few titles available for the platform. Nonetheless, it featured several memorable games, such as “Lucienne’s Quest,” a classic roleplaying game developed by Micro Cabin, and “Samurai Shodown,” a port of a popular arcade fighting game series by SNK.

Other famous games for the platform included a port of “Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven” and “Doom,” which were both known for their impressive graphics and gameplay. However, despite the limited number of games available, the Panasonic 3DO M2 featured a range of diverse games that catered to different interests, including puzzle, sports, adventure, and simulation games.

The game titles that were released for the Panasonic 3DO M2 showcase the differences between the console and others of its era. The titles provide an insight as to what could have been if the console had not been canceled. While the release of these games was limited, gamers who had a chance to play them reported an enjoyable experience. Overall, the games released for the Panasonic 3DO M2 left a long-lasting impression on the gaming industry.


As we conclude this retrospective, it’s important to acknowledge the significant impact Panasonic 3DO M2 had on the gaming industry, albeit an incomplete one. While it never officially released to the public, the console showcased promising capabilities that were far ahead of its time.
Looking back, we can see how it was a precursor to modern gaming consoles, with its advanced hardware and graphics capabilities. With improved hardware, the console could have easily established itself as one of the most capable gaming consoles of all time.
While the Panasonic 3DO M2 remains a mystery, it holds a special place in the hearts of retro gaming enthusiasts and game collectors. Despite its cancellation, it’s fascinating to consider what might have been and what its legacy could have been if it had been released to the public. As a fan of the Panasonic 3DO M2, the console represents a classic gaming era that continues to inspire future hardware designs.


When was the Panasonic 3DO M2 released? The Panasonic 3DO M2 was not released to the public as it was cancelled during its development phase.

What were some of the key features of the Panasonic 3DO M2? The Panasonic 3DO M2 was set to include high-end graphics capabilities, CD-ROM storage, and networking capabilities for online gaming.

Why was the Panasonic 3DO M2 cancelled? The Panasonic 3DO M2 was cancelled due to financial struggles faced by 3DO as a company, as well as competition from other video game console manufacturers.

What was the legacy of the Panasonic 3DO M2? The Panasonic 3DO M2 did not have a significant impact on the gaming industry due to its cancellation, but it was seen as an innovative and technologically advanced console for its time.

What games were released for the Panasonic 3DO M2? While the Panasonic 3DO M2 was cancelled and never released to the public, several games were in development for the console including Army Men: Air Attack 2, Phoenix 3, and Policenauts.

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