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Instacart’s AI Cooking Adventures: From Horrifying to Hilarious

Are you ready to try some AI-generated cuisine? Well, brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride of flavors and images that range from the horrifyingly bizarre to the hilariously absurd.

Last year, Instacart made headlines by teaming up with OpenAI to introduce an AI-powered “Food Inspiration Search Tool” and AI-generated recipes. The idea sounded promising at first, but as users began to explore the offerings, it became apparent that something was amiss.

A quick glance at the accompanying images revealed ingredients that seemed entirely fabricated. From conjoined chickens to hotdogs with tomato interiors, it was clear that the AI was taking culinary creativity to new heights, or perhaps depths. Some creations were stomach-churning, while others were simply laughable.

One standout example is the “Microwave Mug Chocolate Chip Cookie a la Mode” featuring a perfectly reasonable cup of dessert, except for the chocolate chip cookie inexplicably attached to the mug. Nice try, AI, but you’re not fooling anyone.

But it’s not just the visuals that are questionable. The recipes themselves often miss the mark. For instance, when tasked with creating a dish using tomatoes, cucumbers, ground beef, onions, lemons, and chocolate, the AI produced a “citrus beef salad” with a surprising twist: shaved chocolate sprinkled on top. Delicious? Perhaps not.

Some recipes even include nonsensical measurements like 3 1/5 teaspoons or call for imaginary ingredients like “Monito sauce.” Despite these quirks, one can’t help but wonder if Monito sauce would actually taste good. Maybe someone should invent it – I’d order it in a heartbeat.

Instacart does provide a disclaimer, urging users to approach AI-generated recipes with caution. After all, the magic of AI isn’t always perfect. They advise users to adjust as needed and consult product packaging for accurate dietary information and safety guidelines.

While the allure of AI-generated recipes is intriguing, it’s probably best to leave the cooking to the experts – or, in my case, to someone who’s concocted worse dishes, especially after a few drinks at the local pub.

So, the next time you’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen, maybe stick to recipes crafted by human hands. After all, you never know what kind of culinary surprises AI might whip up.

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