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Fortnite Reveals Exciting Partnership with Futurama

Fortnite enthusiasts have a reason to rejoice as the game announces its latest collaboration with the beloved animated series, Futurama. This isn’t the first time Fortnite has teamed up with popular brands, making it a thrilling prospect for gamers. In the past, the game has successfully integrated various iconic characters into its universe, such as Sony’s Kratos and Xbox’s Master Chief, blurring the lines between rival franchises.

Rumors have also been circulating about the possible addition of Family Guy’s Peter Griffin and his infamous chicken adversary to Fortnite. Though it remains uncertain if this will become a reality, fans of the adult cartoon have eagerly awaited such a crossover. While it seems unlikely to happen in the upcoming update, there might be a surprise from another well-known adult cartoon making its way into Fortnite.

The official Fortnite Twitter account teased the collaboration with a cryptic message, sharing a link to a video premiering on YouTube on July 26 at 6 AM ET, accompanied by the phrase “All Hail Hypnotoad.” The video features the iconic Planet Express ship from Futurama dramatically crashing into a massive animated billboard, revealing a glimpse of the Hypnotoad.

As for the delayed Fortnite update (v25.12), which was expected to release on the typical Tuesday schedule, it has been postponed mysteriously. Speculation arises that this delay may be related to last-minute preparations for the Futurama collaboration, leading to a shift in the Duos Cash Cup event to avoid inconvenience for players during downtime.

Gamers can eagerly look forward to the video premiere on July 26, where more details about the Futurama collab will be unveiled. With an official announcement tweet, it is anticipated to be a grand event, especially following the conclusion of the Fortnite Summer Escape event. Players can expect an array of Futurama-themed skins, the possibility of changes in Mega City’s big screen, and the introduction of futuristic space weapons.

Fortnite is available across various platforms, including Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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