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What is the Most Expensive MTG Card of All Time?

The most expensive Magic the Gathering (MTG) card of all time is the Black Lotus. This card is considered one of the most powerful and iconic cards in the game, and it has a storied history in the competitive MTG scene. It was first printed in 1993 and it was a part of the Alpha, Beta, and Unlimited sets.

Black Lotus is a colorless artifact card that can be tapped for three colorless mana. It’s considered one of the most powerful cards in the game due to its ability to generate three colorless mana on the first turn of the game, giving players a significant advantage. The card is banned in many formats due to its power level and it’s considered a must-have for any serious collector.

The price of a Black Lotus card varies depending on its condition and edition, but it can easily reach into the tens of thousands of dollars. In 2021, one of the most expensive and pristine copy of the Black Lotus card sold for $511,100 in an auction.

It’s worth noting that due to the card’s high value, there are many counterfeit copies of the Black Lotus card in circulation, so it’s important to be cautious when buying one and to verify the authenticity of the card before making a purchase.

In conclusion, the Black Lotus is considered the most expensive MTG card of all time, and it’s a must-have for any serious collector. Its power level and iconic status make it one of the most sought-after cards in the game and its value continue to rise over time.

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