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The Main Services in Online Games

Many online games provide players with a wide range of mechanics and opportunities for character development and general play, but at the same time they quickly end the training system and each player builds his leveling, builds and general gameplay, which leads to dead ends, lack of gold, poor equipment and other troubles.

Services come to the rescue in a deadlock situation that help players get out of the situation and get gold, help in pumping, services for completing raids, or a full and step-by-step training. One of these services is Skycoach.


The first and most frequent request in many online games.

The reason is simple – it’s constant shortage and very weak growth for tasks and grind. A serious amount of game currency can be earned at maximum levels, and for players who want to develop a hero with the best weapons, which will greatly speed up the pace of pumping, and not get by with quest items.

The second point – sometimes there is not enough at all to the treasured item, and deliveries from the service take from 5 minutes, which can help to redeem the desired lot.

The simplest format is to buy a starting supply, buy a good weapon from the marketplace and start leveling your hero faster than the others due to the advantage.

Gold through the service, or other players

You can see in the general chat of most projects offers to sell game gold, or through personal trading shops that are created solely for the sake of attracting customers.

Services are rarely advertised in a playful way, but rather use keywords and SEO promotion to attract interested customers.

When buying gold from ordinary players, you run the risk of stumbling upon deceivers who use one-day characters to find clients, and it is far from certain that you will receive your gold after transferring real money.

Ordinary players do not risk anything – the character is secondary, the main character does not have an honest name, and you will not even be able to complain to the game administration, since you will be punished up to blocking your account for violating the rules of the game project.

The Skycoach service gives you guarantees of anonymity, values its name, has a large supply of gold and uses a number of methods for fast and secure transfer of game currency, and also provides a money-back guarantee if you encounter problems due to the actions of the game administration.

Methods of transferring gold

Skycoach uses several methods of transferring gold, depending on the possibilities of the project and the wishes of the client:

  1. Exchange between players – You just need to come to the specified place and get your gold. The transfer is disguised as a deal so that the game administration does not have a reason to impose game sanctions. You return a low-value item and confirm the deal.
  1. Mail sending – mail is implemented in many online games. It allows you to exchange items and gold with your secondary characters and trade with other players through paid shipping. The scheme is simple – you send any item to the mail of the character you specified for the amount for which you placed an order with the Skycoach service, and when the employee confirms the transaction, you will receive your gold.
  1. Listing – A number of MMO RPGs have a system of auctions and outlets that allow all players to list items remotely and receive gold if another player buys the item. This is a great way to transfer gold, since the game administration does not interfere in the price policy and by placing a recognizable item for the specified amount, you can easily get your gold bypassing game sanctions.

Gold and its quality

This is an abstract concept that is very easy to explain.

The gaming administration is constantly fighting the illegal gold trade, theft and the use of bot programs.

The latter should not be confused with macros, which simply perform primitive actions. Bot programs imitate the activities of the player, for which they rightly go to the ban from the game administration.

Most of the gold that players have is farmed in this way, of course there are honest sellers, but are you ready to risk your character, account and finances to check it out?

The game administration simply pursues a policy of combating bots and bans all accounts and transactions that are associated with the further transfer of gold.

It is the same with theft – the gold is simply confiscated and returned to its rightful owner.

The Skycoach game service mines gold with the help of professional grinders, who spend hours and days changing each other in the constant farming of gold.


This format is offered only by professional services.

When you want to really progress in an online game and understand the reasons for your failures, you can hire a coach.

This is a professional player who will begin a phased learning of the basic game mechanics.

You will learn how to choose a hero based on character traits and aspirations for a certain type of content.

You will be taught how to properly farm and get the necessary resources, a constant influx of gold, equipment selection techniques, main class skills, techniques in PVP and PVE with raids.

Who can the coach help?

Beginners who want to master a new project for themselves as quickly as possible.

Players who want to win more in PvP, but don’t understand the reason for low damage and battlefield failures.

Poor gamers who always lack gold even for the most basic equipment.

Groups of players who want to significantly increase the level of cooperative interaction and skills of group hunting and PVP.


A service that allows you to significantly speed up the process of obtaining levels by contacting a professional service.

Who can benefit from boosting

  • A player who decided to change the main character, but does not want to fully pump out a new hero.
  • A gamer who pumps a character for the sake of a group and mastering a new, in-demand class.
  • To quickly pass the level boundary to move to a new location, which appeared in the next update.

Service conclusions

The service is a safer format for ordering services, since it is important for it that you receive the service on time, in full and in absolute safety, and order more overtime.

The service provides guarantees of security and anonymity, unlike ordinary players, who in most cases only care about making money without any consequences for themselves.

No one will ever give you a 100% guarantee that everything will go perfectly, and the game administration can intervene in the subject of the transaction, but the service does not leave you alone with the problem.

The chance of such a scenario is minimal, so Skycoach pays you compensation and helps you unlock your character in case of disputes with the game administration.

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