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Square Enix Confirms Mind-Blowing Fan Theory in Final Fantasy 7 Remake!

In a thrilling revelation, Square Enix has officially validated a highly debated fan theory surrounding Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The developer’s recent statement sheds light on an apparent plot hole and unveils a mind-boggling aspect of Aerith’s character that has been speculated for years. Fans are now buzzing with excitement as they eagerly await the next installment, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, to witness the full potential of Aerith’s extraordinary powers.

Aerith’s Clairvoyance Unveiled

The spotlight falls on Aerith Gainsborough, the last surviving member of the ancient Cetra race, who joins Cloud’s party in Chapter 8 of the iconic RPG remake. During a pivotal encounter in the 2020 release, Aerith drops hints that suggest she possesses some uncanny awareness of Cloud’s past. Her ability to accurately identify him as a former member of SOLDIER and refer to him as a mercenary has left fans intrigued for years.

The Multiverse Revelation

Square Enix has finally confirmed a theory that Aerith has vague memories of the Final Fantasy 7 multiverse. This unique capability allows her to recall events and details that have not yet occurred in the remake. For instance, she already knows about Cloud’s SOLDIER history, even before it is revealed in the game. The revelation adds an enigmatic layer to Aerith’s character, fueling further speculation about her role in the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Aerith’s Intuitive Powers in Action: Aerith’s clairvoyance is further demonstrated in her intriguing conversation with Tifa during Chapter 12. In a jaw-dropping moment, she seems to intuitively grasp Tifa’s request to help Marlene before it is verbally expressed. Such displays of her omniscience have left players astounded, raising questions about the potential impact of her psychic abilities in the unfolding narrative.

Implications for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: The confirmed existence of Aerith’s psychic powers opens up a realm of possibilities for the upcoming sequel, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. If the game delves deeper into her abilities, it could introduce unprecedented plot twists and character development, setting the stage for an epic continuation of the FF7 Remake saga.


With Square Enix finally shedding light on Aerith’s extraordinary clairvoyance, the excitement for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth reaches new heights. Fans eagerly anticipate exploring the full extent of her powers, hoping for an unforgettable gaming experience that takes the beloved character to uncharted territory. As the gaming community eagerly awaits more updates, Final Fantasy 7 Remake continues to mesmerize players on PC, PS4, and PS5 platforms.

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