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Sewer Shark: A Hidden Gem in the Sega CD Library

Sewer Shark is one of those games that may have flown under the radar for many gamers, but it’s a hidden gem in the Sega CD library. Developed by Digital Pictures and published by Sony Imagesoft in 1992, Sewer Shark is a first-person rail-shooter that was later ported to the Panasonic 3DO in 1994.

In Sewer Shark, you pilot an Exterminator Class Sewer Shark vehicle with the job of wiping out vermin running amok below Solar City. The gameplay has more depth than a typical shooter, as success relies on remembering the required coordinates to take the right path. This approach is similar to Simon Says, and it grows on you the more you play. The action is intense, and there’s always a non-stop onslaught of enemies to blast away using the responsive controls.

One simple yet clever mechanic is how some enemies are deadlier than others, and once you’ve learned their specifics, you can quickly monitor your surroundings and make split-second decisions on which ones to target first. Additionally, the later levels ditch the usual “call-out” navigation and instead rely on following a bird while firing off flares when the hydrogen level is red. It’s challenging to memorize and multitask here, especially with Recharge Stations to find as well, but it’s oh-so worth it when you do.

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However, the game’s main weakness is its single-life approach and lack of checkpoints, which could switch players off. It’s appalling that there’s no way to continue your game until you reach a certain section 25 minutes into a 40-minute game, and even then, this is only achieved by entering a secret code after dying.

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Despite this, Sewer Shark is a terrific shooter with surprising depth. If you’re looking for a game that adds a new twist to the genre, you should definitely try this. As far as FMV games go, it’s one of the best and has just enough meat on its gameplay and story arch to keep you invested until the end credits.

In conclusion, Sewer Shark is a unique take on the shooter genre that is worth playing. It’s challenging, immersive, and the FMV elements add an extra layer of depth. Although the lack of checkpoints and single-life approach could be frustrating for some players, it’s a small price to pay for such an enjoyable experience. Sewer Shark is a must-play for fans of the Sega CD library and those who want to try something new in the shooter genre.


Sewer Shark is a hidden gem in the Sega CD library. Developed by Digital Pictures and published by Sony Imagesoft, this first-person rail-shooter adds depth to the genre with its Simon Says navigation and split-second decision-making. Although lacking in checkpoints and with a single life approach, Sewer Shark’s challenging gameplay and FMV elements make it one of the best in its class.

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