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Playstation Plus Still Lags Game Pass

Sony’s PlayStation Plus has stepped up its game, rivaling Microsoft’s Game Pass. Despite this, Game Pass continues to hold the advantage regarding accessibility. PlayStation Plus now offers current-gen games alongside classic titles from PS1 and PlayStation Portable, thanks to the merger of PS Now and PS Plus. On the other hand, Game Pass subscribers can play seamlessly across multiple devices, whereas PS Plus users face certain limitations.

Upon the release of the new PlayStation Plus, many users were left wondering whether it would be available on PC. As it turns out, the PC app enables subscribers to stream PS Plus games but doesn’t offer any locally downloaded titles – much like PS Now. In contrast, Game Pass provides a PC subscription that includes locally downloaded games, which is especially helpful for regions lacking the high-speed internet needed for game streaming. Game Pass Ultimate, including console and PC subscriptions and streaming play, makes the transition between formats smooth.

While both PS Plus and Game Pass can be accessed through mobile devices, Game Pass has a clear edge with its exclusive app. Users can start playing on an Xbox console and continue on a PC, with saved data updating automatically via the cloud in most cases. In comparison, PS Plus on Android or iOS devices requires a roundabout approach, with the PlayStation app allowing for remote console play. Even though PS Plus allows subscribers to run games on their console and stream to their phone or tablet, playing on-the-go may be frustrating and unenjoyable.

Streaming games is already challenging, with most internet connections struggling to cope. Streaming a console that’s already streaming PS Plus games further reduces the chances of a pleasant gaming experience. Additionally, managing saved data can be complicated, as saves don’t automatically sync between cloud-based play and locally downloaded games on PlayStation consoles. For players using only a PS5, PS Plus is a reasonable comparison to Game Pass. However, the service’s arbitrary restrictions – such as the inability to stream PS5 games – hold it back.

The goal of making PS Plus a worthy competitor to Game Pass is commendable, but Sony failed to replicate the obvious advantages of Microsoft’s subscription plan.

While PlayStation fans should upgrade to PS Plus Extra or Premium, Essentials tier subscribers gain little value. The goal of making PS Plus a worthy competitor to Game Pass is commendable, but Sony failed to replicate the obvious advantages of Microsoft’s subscription plan. If PS Plus could include PS5 titles in its streaming selection, it would be more appealing to PS4 owners who haven’t gotten their hands on a PS5. Additionally, a PS Plus streaming app would make mobile gaming more feasible and more accessible to households with multiple gaming enthusiasts and fewer consoles.

It’s no secret that PlayStation Plus is in need of some significant improvements if it wants to compete with the convenience of Game Pass. Even a basic feature like automatic save data syncing would make a big difference to players who stream PS Plus games on their laptops and then continue playing on their home consoles. In contrast, Game Pass subscribers enjoy a seamless experience, allowing them to pick up where they left off on mobile, PC, or console. PS Plus Premium requires more Sony classics, but equally important is making streaming more accessible to subscribers. The lack of a dedicated PS Plus streaming app for mobile devices is puzzling, and the quality of PS Plus PC streaming falls short compared to Game Pass.

While some might argue that Game Pass has the upper hand because of its day-one releases, this advantage pales in comparison to the sheer convenience of the service. New games are often riddled with bugs and require patches, so having the option to play older, stable titles is equally valuable. PS Plus Extra features several PlayStation exclusives, including Demon’s Souls remake and Returnal, providing a unique appeal since most Game Pass games are also available on PC. If Sony were to develop a proper PlayStation Plus app for Android and iOS devices and make save syncing as seamless as Game Pass, the two services would be on a more equal footing.

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