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Overwatch 2 Player Discovers a New Way to Counter Mercy’s Ultimate

Overwatch 2 is a popular multiplayer shooter game that has been entertaining players for several years now. The game has various characters, each with its unique abilities and strengths. Among these characters are two support heroes, Mercy, and Lifeweaver. Mercy is known for her Resurrect ability, which can bring back her fallen allies within a certain radius. However, a new discovery shows that Lifeweaver has a way to counter this ability and prevent Mercy from reviving her teammates.

The Power of Lifeweaver’s Petal Platform

Lifeweaver has several abilities that help him to heal and support his allies, just like Mercy. One of these abilities is Petal Platform, which is a platform that springs upward when Lifeweaver or other players step on it. According to a Twitter user Marsh_Plays, this ability can be used to counter Mercy’s Resurrect ultimate. In the clip shared by Marsh_Plays, an enemy player died near a doorway, and before Mercy could reach the glowing orb to revive them, a player named Wifeleaver used Petal Platform to steal it. The Mercy stopped in her tracks after her ultimate got wasted.

The Lifeweaver Trick Goes Viral

Many Overwatch 2 players have seen the Lifeweaver trick in action and are now trying to replicate it in their games. Twitter users have expressed their amazement at this discovery, with some joking that Lifeweaver is “finally good” after his previous issues with healing and hitbox. The Lifeweaver trick has become so popular that it has even inspired other players to find new ways to counter other heroes’ abilities.

Lifeweaver’s Role in Overwatch 2

Lifeweaver has brought an interesting dynamic to Overwatch 2, with players discovering new ways to use his abilities to disrupt other heroes’ moves. However, some players have expressed concerns about his healing and hitbox, which may need to be addressed by the Blizzard developers. Despite these issues, Lifeweaver continues to offer a unique and exciting gameplay experience that players are excited to explore further in future games.


Overwatch 2 is a game that continues to surprise players with its ever-changing gameplay and new discoveries. The Lifeweaver trick is just one example of how players are discovering new ways to counter the game’s heroes and their abilities. With Lifeweaver’s abilities, players can disrupt Mercy’s Resurrect and other heroes’ moves, adding a new layer of strategy to the game. Whether Lifeweaver will be nerfed, buffed, or adjusted in another way remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Lifeweaver is changing the game in Overwatch 2.

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