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Magic: The Gathering’s Bold Move Towards Racial Diversity

Magic: The Gathering, a highly popular trading card game, has stirred up quite a commotion, but for a rather commendable reason. The game has made racists mad, and that’s not just okay – it’s brilliant!

Canon is a fool’s stricture

Magic: The Gathering has always reveled in its vast and imaginative world, unbound by rigid canons and pre-existing stereotypes. Its goal has always been to inspire and entertain, not to conform.

The collaborative venture between Magic: The Gathering and Middle-earth Enterprises

After three years of hard work, Magic: The Gathering, in collaboration with Middle-earth Enterprises, has successfully launched its first major crossover collection – The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth. This is a significant step for both entities and an exciting moment for the game’s fandom.

This endeavor, under the art direction of Ovidio Cartagena, involved the commissioning of hundreds of new art pieces, all focused on creating a Middle-earth that mirrors our diverse world. The aim was to portray diverse peoples across races and ethnicities, challenging the traditional, monochromatic Middle-earth imagery.

The unveiling of non-white characters

Unsurprisingly, some characters, typically represented as white, were rendered as Black, Latino, Pacific Islander, or Asian. This visual shift was intentional and integral to the game’s theme of diversity.

Aragorn, one of the first characters to be revealed, stood out notably. His portrayal as a Black man stirred up a storm amongst the game’s followers, especially those holding racial biases. Their displeasure was blatant and disturbing.

Despite the backlash, Magic: The Gathering stayed true to its principles of originality and diversity. The game believes in telling a story that resonates with everyone, a story that doesn’t hinge on the character’s skin color.

Wizards of the Coast’s response

The makers of the game, Wizards of the Coast, released an announcement elucidating their stance on the issue. They defended their decision without directly addressing the racial controversy.

The company subtly hinted at the controversy, acknowledging the discontentment brewing amongst a section of the audience.

Several fans expressed their disappointment at their favorite characters not being white. This shortsighted perspective is a reflection of the deep-seated racial biases prevalent even in today’s society.

Scrutinizing the backlash

Analyzing the public reactions reveals an unwarranted reliance on lore and blatant racism.

Lore, while significant, should not constrict the interpretation of a fictional world. The indignant reactions of those who argue that Numenorians can’t be Black show a narrow understanding of the lore itself.

A deep dive into some of the remarks uncovers undisguised racism. The disapproval of “Black Aragorn” and the consequent boycott threats demonstrate an obstinate resistance to change and racial inclusivity.

The definition of ‘Canon’

Contrary to popular belief, the Magic: The Gathering expansion is not canonical to the Lord of the Rings books.

The books provide a framework, but they don’t restrict the portrayal of characters. Adherence to the books doesn’t mean catering to preconceived racial biases.

Those arguing for white Aragorn or Éowyn based on the books should consider why skin color matters to them. If their argument hinges on the books, it’s clear they need to reassess their perspective.

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Debunking racism in character portrayal

The racial representation of a character doesn’t affect the essence of a story.

The race of a character doesn’t inherently define their persona or their narrative. The racial alteration in this set is, at most, an aesthetic and marketing choice that doesn’t meddle with the original storyline.

While some fans may be discomforted by the change, others see themselves reflected in the artwork for the first time. This shift is empowering for those who’ve long been marginalized in such narratives.

Honoring Lord of the Rings

Despite the obvious fan service, the set does honor Lord of the Rings. It brings a new dimension to the much-loved series, challenging traditional interpretations and inviting new perspectives.

Part of honoring the books means giving life to them through personal interpretations. This adds more depth and richness to the lore.

Honoring also means expanding them to include diverse audiences, infusing more understanding, depth, and critique into the series. The modern audience’s willingness to accept Black Aragorn suggests a shift in perspective, hinting that maybe Aragorn should have been Black from the start.


Magic: The Gathering’s recent initiative is not just about introducing racial diversity in the character lineup; it’s about breaking racial stereotypes, encouraging inclusivity, and fostering a richer, more diverse narrative. Despite the racial backlash, this bold move from Magic: The Gathering marks a significant stride towards a more inclusive fantasy world.

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