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Help, I Want to Leave My Husband Because of His Video Game Addiction

A dear reader sent us a message recently, asking for advice. Her husband is woefully addicted to video games. She wants to know how common it is, if it can be overcome, and whether she should leave him.

We reached out Harvard professor and researcher Aaron Bernstein for his thoughts on video game addiction. He is considered an expert in the field of mental health and wellness. What follows is an overview of his research and advice.

Is Video Game Addiction A Real Thing?

When it comes to video games, it’s no secret that they can be addictive. But is video game addiction a real thing? The short answer is yes, it certainly is. While not yet classified as a disorder by the American Psychiatric Association, video game addiction is recognized as a condition that needs further investigation. The World Health Organization, on the other hand, has already included it in its list of mental health conditions.

Defining Video Game Addiction

Video game addiction, also known as gaming disorder or internet gaming disorder, is a condition characterized by excessive or compulsive playing of video games to the point where it begins to interfere with other aspects of one’s life, such as work, school, relationships, and personal health.

While there is no universally agreed-upon definition of video game addiction, the World Health Organization defines it as “a pattern of persistent or recurrent gaming behavior (‘digital gaming’ or ‘video-gaming’), which may be online (i.e., over the internet) or offline.”

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, gaming disorder is characterized by a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital gaming” or “video-gaming”) that is:

1. Continuing despite negative consequences, such as impairment of social, occupational, or educational functioning
2. Causing significant distress and impairment in daily life, such as interrupted sleep patterns, poor diet and exercise habits, and poor hygiene
3. A pattern of compulsive gaming that is ongoing and increases in frequency and intensity over time

It’s important to note that not all excessive gaming is considered video game addiction and that playing video games frequently does not necessarily mean that someone has an addiction.

The Negative Impact of Video Games on the Brain

As with any addiction, video game addiction has negative effects on the brain. A 2015 study focused on the neurobiological and pharmacogenetic mechanisms underlying internet and video game addiction, and the results were concerning. The study found that prolonged internet gaming affects the areas of the brain responsible for reward, impulse control, and sensory-motor coordination. This, in turn, leads to sub-sensitivity of dopamine reward mechanisms, similar to drug and alcohol addiction.

How Prevalent is Video Game Addiction?

Video game addiction is more common than you might think. The 2016 Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Epidemiological Studies of Internet Gaming Disorder revealed that the prevalence of internet gaming disorder ranges from 0.7% to 27.5%. The study found that video game addiction is more common in males than in females, and younger people are more likely to suffer from it.

Should You Leave a Spouse with a Video Game Addiction?

Deciding to leave a spouse over a video game addiction is a difficult and personal decision. It’s important to consider the severity of the addiction, the impact it’s having on your relationship, and whether or not your spouse is willing to seek help and make changes.

If your spouse’s addiction negatively impacts your life and relationship, it may be necessary to consider leaving. This could be especially true if your spouse is unwilling to acknowledge the problem or seek help.

However, leaving should always be a last resort. Before making any decisions, it’s important to talk to your spouse and express your concerns. Encourage them to seek help and work on overcoming their addiction.

How to Help

If your husband has a video game addiction, there are several things you can do to help him:

  1. Talk to him: Communication is key. Talk to your husband about your concerns and the impact his addiction is having on your relationship and his life. Be honest, but also be understanding and supportive.
  2. Set boundaries: Set boundaries around your husband’s gaming time. Encourage him to take breaks and limit his playtime. This can help him gradually reduce the time he spends gaming.
  3. Seek professional help: Consider seeking professional help from a therapist specializing in addiction. A therapist can work with your husband to address the underlying issues driving his addiction.
  4. Encourage healthy habits: Encourage your husband to engage in healthy habits, such as regular exercise, socializing with friends and family, and pursuing hobbies or interests outside of gaming.
  5. Join a support group: Joining a support group can give your husband community and support. It can also help him to see that he is not alone in his struggles.

Remember that video game addiction is a serious issue that can significantly impact your husband’s life and your relationship. Be patient, understanding, and supportive, and don’t hesitate to seek help if needed.

Working Through Video Game Addiction

If you’ve decided that you want to confront your husband about his video game addiction, it’s important to approach the situation in the right way. You need to pick a time when he’s not gaming so that he can fully focus on what you’re saying. It’s also important to prepare what you’re going to say ahead of time and to be ready for the possibility that he may be in denial about his addiction. Be sure to emphasize that his addiction is causing problems in your relationship and that you want to work together to find a solution.

If your husband admits that he has a video game addiction, you can help him by providing him with information about how to quit. One great resource is OLGA, which offers meetings for video game addicts and a 12-step program for recovery. While it’s important to be supportive and encourage your husband, it’s also important to remember that his recovery is his responsibility. Make sure to continue to take care of yourself during this time, too.

Final Thoughts

Video game addiction is real, and it’s serious. How to approach a spouses addiction is a difficult and personal decision. However, if your spouse is willing to admit that he or she has a problem, the chances of successfully overcoming the addiction are greatly improved. Help is available, and many people are able to overcome addiction of all kinds, including video game addiction.

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