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From Crops to Drugs: Unleashing the Economic Potential of RimWorld

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to make money in RimWorld, the popular colony management game. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey, this article will provide you with valuable insights and strategies for maximizing profits in your colony. We’ll delve into various options and explore the most efficient ways to generate wealth. Get ready to build a thriving economic empire in the RimWorld universe!

Food Crops

In RimWorld, growing food crops is an essential part of sustaining your colony and can also be a lucrative source of income. Different crops offer varying levels of profitability, taking into account factors such as raw material requirements, market value, and growing time. Here are some of the key food crops and their potential for generating profit:

Corn Plant

Corn is considered one of the best crops for both human food and cash production. It has a high market value per plant and offers a favorable profit margin. However, corn cannot be processed further, limiting its potential for additional value. Additionally, the slow growth cycle and vulnerability to destruction can pose challenges, especially in biomes with harsh winters.


Haygrass, while not suitable for human consumption, can be used to feed animals. It provides more nutrition per day than corn but requires additional processing into kibble. Keep in mind that feeding haygrass-based products to colonists can result in a negative moodlet. Despite its limitations, haygrass can still be a viable option for animal husbandry and generating income through livestock.

Rice Plant

Rice is a stable source of food but may not be the most efficient in terms of product-to-work ratio. It offers similar nutrition per day as corn and potatoes but lacks stability compared to rice. It can be a reliable crop to sustain your colony’s food needs, but its profit potential might be surpassed by other crops.

Potato Plant

Potatoes offer a decent profit margin and have a shorter growth cycle compared to corn. They can serve as an alternative to corn for both human consumption and cash production. With a relatively high market value and lower work requirements, potatoes can be a practical choice for maximizing profits.


Introduced in the Ideology DLC, nutrifungus is an unconventional crop that can provide a consistent source of income. It has similar market value and work requirements to potatoes, making it a viable option for profit-oriented colonies. Its unique properties and resistance to soil conditions make it an interesting choice for advanced RimWorld players.

Cash Crops

In addition to food crops, cultivating cash crops can be a profitable endeavor in RimWorld. These crops are primarily used for textile production and can be processed into valuable items. Let’s explore some of the key cash crops and their potential for generating income:

Cotton Plant

Cotton is a versatile crop that can be used to produce cloth, a valuable resource for crafting and construction. With its moderate market value and reasonable work requirements, cotton cultivation can provide a steady stream of income. Skilled crafters can further enhance the value of cotton-based products through their expertise.


Devilstrand is a high-value crop with a longer growth cycle compared to other cash crops. While it requires more time and effort, devilstrand can be processed into luxurious textiles, commanding higher prices in the market. Its slow growth makes it a long-term investment, but the potential profits can be substantial for patient and skilled RimWorld players.


Healroot is a unique cash crop as it produces herbal medicine, a valuable resource for treating injuries and illnesses. It has moderate market value and work requirements, making it a reliable source of income for colonies focused on medical expertise. Investing in healroot cultivation can ensure a steady supply of herbal medicine for both internal use and trade.


Hops are primarily used for brewing beer, a popular recreational item in RimWorld. With a relatively short growth cycle and reasonable market value, hops can be a profitable cash crop. The demand for beer from traders and colonists can create a consistent revenue stream. Keep in mind the additional processing steps required for beer production, such as converting hops into wort and fermenting it.

Smokeleaf Plant

Smokeleaf leaves, when processed, can be used to create smokeleaf joints, a recreational drug in RimWorld. While not the most profitable cash crop, smokeleaf can still contribute to your colony’s income. Its shorter growth cycle and relatively high market value make it a viable option, especially for colonies focused on recreational drug production.

Psychoid Leaves

Psychoid leaves are a key ingredient in the production of psychite tea, a drug with various effects in RimWorld. Psychoid cultivation can offer a steady source of income, but its profitability is influenced by factors such as market demand and trade prices. Considering the logistics and potential risks associated with drug production, psychoid can be a suitable option for experienced players seeking profitable ventures.

Cocoa Tree

Introduced in RimWorld’s plant content, the cocoa tree produces chocolate, a luxury item with a higher market value. It has a significantly longer growth cycle compared to other cash crops but offers a substantial profit margin. Skilled RimWorld players who can afford to wait for the cocoa tree to mature can benefit from the increased value of chocolate products.

Ambrosia Bush

Ambrosia bushes are a unique and unpredictable source of income. They cannot be planted intentionally and only appear as random events. Harvesting ambrosia from these bushes can yield valuable ambrosia, which can be sold for a high price. Keep in mind that the travel time required to reach ambrosia bushes can vary, impacting the overall profitability.

Drug Production

For RimWorld players seeking a more adventurous and potentially profitable path, drug production offers an enticing opportunity. By synthesizing drugs from various raw materials, you can tap into a market with high demand and valuable products. Let’s explore some of the key drugs and their profit potential:


Beer production involves converting hops into wort and fermenting it. While not the most lucrative drug option, beer can still contribute to your colony’s income. Its shorter synthesis work time and market demand make it a viable choice, especially when combined with other drug production endeavors.

Smokeleaf Joint

Smokeleaf joints are recreational drugs that can be created from smokeleaf leaves. The profit margin for smokeleaf joints is relatively modest, but the shorter synthesis work time and demand from traders and recreational drug users can make it a worthwhile endeavor.

Psychite Tea

Psychite tea offers a unique combination of recreational and practical uses in RimWorld. While it may not be the most profitable drug in terms of direct selling, psychite tea can be consumed by colonists to provide recreation and reduce their rest needs. Excess psychite tea can still be sold to traders, generating a decent profit.


Flake is a potent drug with a higher market value compared to other drugs. Its synthesis work time is relatively short, making it an attractive option for efficient drug production. The demand for flake from traders and addicts can create a consistent revenue stream for colonies specializing in drug manufacturing.


Yayo is a high-value drug that can be synthesized from raw materials. It offers a reasonable profit margin and shorter synthesis work time compared to other drugs. Its market demand and potential for trade make it a viable choice for players aiming to maximize their drug-related profits.

These drugs require specific raw materials and may involve additional processing steps, such as refining neutroamine. It’s essential to consider factors like market demand, trade prices, and the potential availability of raw materials when planning your drug production strategy.


In RimWorld, there are numerous avenues for making money and building a thriving economic empire within your colony. Whether you choose to focus on food crops, cash crops, or delve into the world of drug production, each option has its own advantages and challenges. Consider the market value, work requirements, and potential for value-added processing when deciding which ventures to pursue.

Remember to adapt your strategies to your colony’s location, inhabitants, and overall progress. Each RimWorld game is unique, and your economic success will depend on how effectively you navigate the challenges and opportunities presented to you.

With this comprehensive guide, you now have the knowledge and insights to embark on a profitable journey in RimWorld. Start building your wealth, expand your colony’s prosperity, and become a master of money-making in the RimWorld universe. Good luck, and may your profits soar!

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