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Elden Ring Players Discover Game Mechanics Making Invasions More Challenging

Gamers playing Elden Ring have discovered a new mechanic that can make invasions more challenging. The mode typically features a single red phantom invader facing off against at least two other players, one host and one or more summoned yellow phantoms. To balance the odds, yellow phantoms have their damage and defenses downscaled. However, it has been discovered that if an invader uses the Phantom Finger item during an invasion, the downscaling disappears entirely, making the mode more difficult. A recent test conducted by a YouTube user showed that the downscaled damage dealt by yellow phantoms was significantly lower than it would be if the scaling were not in place. However, when the Phantom Finger was used, the damage dealt by the yellow phantom increased by 280% to 310%.

There is speculation that the Phantom Finger removes all buffs from the invader, including the downscaling applied to summoned phantoms. The theory is supported by tests that showed that damage dealt by invaders to high-level phantoms was unchanged after the Phantom Finger was used. While the item may be a useful tool for invaders looking to increase their chances of victory, it is worth considering the potential consequences for hosts and summoned phantoms. Without the downscaling applied to yellow phantoms, invasions may become much more difficult to survive, especially for those facing off against high-level invaders. It remains to be seen how FromSoftware will address this issue, but for now, players should be prepared for potentially tougher invasions if they choose to use the Phantom Finger.

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