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Reddit’s CEO Admits to Editing User Comments Criticizing Him

In a surprising revelation, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman, also known by his username “spez,” has admitted to editing Reddit user comments that criticized and insulted him. This move has sparked controversy, as Huffman wielded his power to anonymously alter references to his own username and replace them with the names of moderators from the pro-Donald Trump subreddit, r/the_donald.

Huffman’s confession came after users from r/the_donald called him out for his actions, which he admitted were driven by the wave of insults originating from the pro-Trump subreddit. He confessed, “I messed with the ‘fuck u/spez’ comments, replacing ‘spez’ with r/the_donald mods for about an hour,” clarifying that the sole focus of his edits was the target of the insults.

The CEO cited the stress from the ongoing “r/pizzagate” controversy as one of the factors behind his actions. “It’s been a long week here trying to unwind the r/pizzagate stuff,” Huffman stated. The “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory linked Hillary Clinton, her campaign chairman John Podesta, a Washington DC pizza parlor, and a clandestine pedophile ring. Under Huffman’s leadership, Reddit decided to ban the subreddit discussing “Pizzagate” due to users posting personal information about individuals accused of being involved in the unproven conspiracy. However, this decision was seen by some users on right-wing and anti-Clinton subreddits, like r/the_donald, as an act of egregious censorship, leading to an onslaught of direct insults.

Acknowledging the tension between the Reddit team and its users, Huffman expressed his frustration, saying, “As much as we try to maintain a good relationship with you all, it does get old getting called a pedophile constantly.” Although he fell short of issuing a direct apology to those he edited, Huffman recognized that he had overstepped his bounds and promised not to engage in such behavior again. “As the CEO, I shouldn’t play such games, and it’s all fixed now. Our community team is pretty pissed at me, so I most assuredly won’t do this again,” he stated.

The incident sheds light on the challenges faced by public figures in dealing with online attacks. Reddit’s CEOs have long been the target of criticism from users, but events like this highlight that even prominent figures are not immune to such situations. For Huffman, the insults from a subset of meme-hungry Trump supporters were difficult to endure, but they paled in comparison to the relentless hatred that previous CEO Ellen Pao experienced from larger sections of the site in the past. Pao, who faced criticism for closing subreddits like r/fatpeoplehate and dismissing popular AMA handler Victoria Taylor, opted not to retaliate against her “sickening” treatment and used the platform to unwind amidst the storm of negativity.

In conclusion, the recent incident involving Reddit’s CEO editing user comments has brought attention to the challenges faced by online platforms in handling controversial content and maintaining a healthy relationship with their user base. Huffman’s admission and subsequent promise not to repeat such actions mark a significant moment for Reddit’s community, as they seek to foster a more open and transparent environment for discussions.

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