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Devilman Crybaby (2018): A Captivating Anime that Explores Love, Darkness, and the Human Experience

Welcome to our comprehensive review of “Devilman Crybaby,” the extraordinary anime series that took the world by storm in 2018. This captivating 10-episode ONA (Original Net Animation), available exclusively on Netflix, merges action, horror, and supernatural elements in a way that leaves a lasting impression on its viewers. In this article, we will explore the profound themes, exceptional storytelling, and artistic prowess that make “Devilman Crybaby” a true masterpiece.


The series introduces us to Akira Fudou, an unsuspecting young man who becomes entangled in a chaotic battle between devils and humans. With the help of his enigmatic childhood friend Ryou Asuka, Akira transforms into a Devilman, gaining extraordinary powers to combat the demonic threat. As Akira embraces his newfound abilities, he confronts the darkness within himself and grapples with the moral complexities of his mission.

The Theme of Love

One of the most powerful themes in “Devilman Crybaby” is love, symbolized by the metaphor of the relay race. Throughout the series, characters like Akira and Miko struggle in their respective relay races, representing the challenges and obstacles they face in allowing themselves to love and be loved.

These struggles reflect the complexities and vulnerabilities inherent in forming deep emotional connections. However, as the narrative progresses, we witness the characters’ growth and resilience as they continue their relay races, demonstrating their willingness to open their hearts despite the risks involved. Each love is transferred between characters, illustrating that love is a continuous process of passing the baton from one person to another, perpetuating the flame of affection.

The Relay Metaphor

The metaphor of the “Relay Race” beautifully encapsulates the transformative nature of love and its potential to overcome adversity and inspire growth. Amidst the overarching theme of love in “Devilman Crybaby,” Miki’s character shines as a beacon of openness and compassion. As a track star, she embodies the spirit of determination and resilience. When Akira faces persecution from humans due to his demonic nature, Miki fearlessly takes a stand for her friend, displaying a triumphant act of love.

However, the tragic reality of human nature is revealed when Miki’s selfless act is met with treachery and violence. In the grip of a mob mentality, the very humans she sought to protect turn against her, ruthlessly ending her life as she tries to escape with Miko. The horrifying scene where Miki’s head is placed on a spike symbolizes the depths of human cruelty and the irrationality that emerges when fear and anger dominate. Through Miki and Akira’s tragic fates, the series portrays the harsh reality that love can be met with unimaginable cruelty in a world plagued by evil and driven by irrational impulses.

The Ending

“Devilman Crybaby” leaves a lasting impact with its bold and tragic conclusion. As the series reaches its climax, we witness the devastating act of Ryou murdering Akira, resulting in a dystopian world devoid of love and consumed by chaos. This dark turn of events highlights the profound consequences of Ryou’s actions and the tragic loss of the one thing he cherished most: his friendship with Akira. In this desolate hellscape, the absence of love is palpable, serving as a poignant reminder of the importance and power of this fundamental emotion.

However, the narrative takes a profound turn as God intervenes, purifying and resetting the universe. This moment signifies a crucial lesson taught to Ryou, who embodies the persona of Satan. Through this experience, Ryou is confronted with the undeniable truth that even he, as the embodiment of darkness and evil, is not immune to the transformative power of love. God’s intervention serves as a powerful demonstration that love transcends all boundaries, ultimately teaching Ryou the profound lesson that love is an integral part of the human experience, regardless of one’s nature or past.


In a world oversaturated with generic Isekai and Shounen Anime, “Devilman Crybaby” stands as a unique and thought-provoking masterpiece. Its exploration of themes such as love, darkness, and the complexities of the human experience pushes boundaries and challenges viewers to contemplate the profound depths of emotion. With its exceptional storytelling, breathtaking visuals, and unforgettable characters, “Devilman Crybaby” is an anime series that deserves recognition for its ability to captivate and engage its audience.

So, if you’re ready to venture into a world that defies conventions and explores the intricacies of the human psyche, give “Devilman Crybaby” a chance. Approach it with an open mind and embrace the power of its storytelling. You may just find yourself captivated by its beauty and depth, even amidst the chaos and darkness it portrays.

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