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Dance Dance Danseur Anime Episode 11 (Finale) and Series Review

The conclusion of Dance Dance Danseur leaves me wrestling with mixed emotions. A captivating anime, it stirred up conflicting, difficult-to-re reconcile sentiments. Though the final episode was a rollercoaster of highs and lows, its remarkable dance sequence made it hard to ignore.

In the finale, the B-Part was a clear standout compared to the A-Part, which was marred by the resolution of the Goudai storyline. This twisted family drama left a bitter taste, and it’s hard not to question the author’s intentions. Unfortunately, the controversial relationship between Miyako and Luou did not provide the desired catharsis. Instead, it raised concerns about the ethical implications of their connection.

Miyako, who deserves a chance at a better life, is the character who evokes the most sympathy. Luou, on the other hand, is in dire need of professional help rather than relying on his cousin for support. The dynamics between the characters and their families lead to a perplexing outcome, leaving Junpei feeling betrayed and questioning his involvement in the situation.

Despite the turmoil, the beach performance showcased in the episode was nothing short of phenomenal. With stunning choreography and animation, it demonstrated raw, visceral power. Junpei’s journey in the Oikawa sequence provided much-needed respite from the Goudai debacle, with intriguing moments scattered throughout.

Junpei’s charisma and unwavering determination to succeed, despite his lack of experience, are his most significant assets. His ability to incorporate his emotions into his performance brings an undeniable magic to the stage. The question of whether classical ballet can accommodate Junpei’s individuality and whether modern dance might be a better fit remains a tantalizing point of exploration for Dance Dance Danseur’s future.

The tumultuous final episodes have somewhat shaken my confidence in the series. The potential of being fundamentally at odds with the author’s perspective poses a difficult challenge to overcome. However, I find myself compelled to delve deeper into the story to ascertain whether this is true.

If the Goudai storyline were to fade into the background, the series could become more palatable. However, the possibility of a continued focus on that narrative makes it challenging to re-engage with the story. It’s frustrating because Dance Dance Danseur has been a riveting and emotionally powerful experience. The authenticity with which the series captures the turbulence of adolescence is nothing short of remarkable.

Regardless of the mixed feelings surrounding the conclusion, Dance Dance Danseur remains an extraordinary series that will be difficult to evaluate in the long run. The first nine episodes were undeniably exceptional, and the series as a whole is a testament to the power of captivating storytelling. Although the finale left a conflicted impression, it reflects just how deeply invested viewers have been in the journey.


Despite the controversy surrounding certain relationships, the series showcased captivating choreography and animation, particularly in the beach performance. Junpei’s journey raised intriguing questions about individuality in classical ballet versus modern dance. Although the final episodes left viewers with conflicting feelings, Dance Dance Danseur remains a riveting and emotionally powerful series that captures the turbulence of adolescence with striking authenticity.

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