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Blue Period Finale and Series Review| Anime

A Spectacular Ending That Leaves an Impact

As a high school student with a love for anime, I can confidently say that the recent episodes of Blue Period have been nothing short of spectacular. The finale, in particular, exceeded all expectations and delivered an ending that truly satisfied me. Although I can’t speak for the frustrations of manga readers, as I haven’t delved into the source material extensively, any changes made in the adaptation were seamless and did not disrupt the overall narrative. Blue Period’s anime adaptation has undoubtedly succeeded in capturing the essence of the story and resonating with its audience.

A Relatable Experience of Self-Doubt and Self-Reflection

While I may not be an artist myself, as a former teacher and someone familiar with the creative process, I can deeply relate to the themes explored in Blue Period. The relentless self-criticism that the protagonist, Yatora, faces echoes the doubts and insecurities that often accompany the creative journey. As a writer, I understand the constant pursuit for perfection and the feeling that nothing is ever truly satisfying or “good enough.” Yatora’s experiences strike a personal chord within me, showcasing the challenges and inner struggles faced by artists and creators.

An Astute Portrayal of Characters’ Insecurities

Yatora’s continuous projection of confidence and brilliance onto others, while simultaneously doubting himself, elicits a mix of admiration and slight irritation. This dynamic is precisely what the audience is meant to feel. Yatora’s friend Yotasuke, who shares similar insecurities but receives constant praise, finds himself at odds with Yatora’s self-assurance. The complex relationship between Yatora and Yotasuke highlights the contrasting ways in which individuals cope with their burdens and the power of genuine friendship in times of vulnerability.

Embracing Individuality and Personal Growth

Throughout the examination process, Yatora experiences a transformative eureka moment when he embraces his identity as a dedicated hard worker rather than solely relying on natural talent. His obsession with process and self-examination becomes his strength, leading him to describe himself as “transparent.” In a profoundly profound statement to his teacher, Saeki-sensei, Yatora mentions having no regrets but a multitude of things to reflect upon. This realization marks a significant milestone in Yatora’s artistic journey, showcasing his growth as an artist.

A Heartwarming Friendship

One particular highlight of the finale is the heartfelt conversation between Yatora and Yotasuke during the lunch break on the final day of the exam. Witnessing Yatora’s genuine happiness for Yotasuke’s success and hearing Yotasuke acknowledge Yatora’s improvement evokes a sense of warmth and charm. Despite their differences, Yatora’s humility and openness create an unlikely friendship between the two. Yotasuke, who has always been a loner, finds solace and the potential for a genuine confidant in Yatora, someone he can finally trust.

The Bittersweet Realities of Acceptance

In the aftermath of the examination results, the core group of friends experiences a mix of emotions. While Yatora and Yotasuke managed to secure a place, it comes as a surprise that Haruka and Maki did not. The undeniable talent and polish displayed by Maki raise questions about Geidai’s preferences in selecting applicants. The scenario reminds me of a story where a coach chooses someone with raw potential over someone with perfected technique, believing that their guidance will have a greater impact. The disappointment and pain felt by the rejected students are palpable, emphasizing the harsh realities of the competitive art world.

Celebrating the Role of Teachers

Blue Period eloquently and powerfully celebrates the impact teachers can have on students’ lives. Yatora takes a moment to show heartfelt appreciation to his teachers, recognizing their invaluable support and guidance. Saeki-sensei helped him discover his path, while Ooba-sensei provided the necessary support for Yatora’s success. This portrayal of teachers as essential mentors is something rarely seen but highly appreciated in storytelling media.

A Satisfying Conclusion, yet Open to Possibilities

As an anime fan, I often experience mixed feelings when a series concludes, and Blue Period is no exception. The current adaptation serves as a prologue, covering only a portion of the manga. While it is frustrating to be left wanting more, the finale at least provides a sense of closure to the story arcs explored in this season. However, it is worth considering the possibility of future seasons as Blue Period’s popularity as a manga speaks volumes about its quality and unique appeal. Its blend of substance, depth, and subtlety resonates with audiences, offering an intelligent work that respects the intelligence of its viewers.


The current adaptation serves as a prologue, covering only a portion of the manga. While it is frustrating to be left wanting more, the finale at least provides a sense of closure to the story arcs explored in this season.

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