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Search Results for: Majora's Mask

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Retro Review
Majora’s Mask is a Zelda game that stands out because it takes the formula and twists it in a unique...
Majora's Mask - Game Design Spotlight
To celebrate the games 20th birthday, we decided to take a dive into the design of Majora's Mask and...
Majora's Mask vs. Twilight Princess: Popularizing Dark Themes in Zelda
Both Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess are dark Zelda's, so we decided to compare them! We dive into...
The Time-Loops of Russian Doll and Majora’s Mask
Netflix's Russian Doll and Nintendo's Majora's Mask have a similar plot device: temporal loops. They're...
7 Stages We Wish Were in Super Smash Bros
7 Stages We Wish Were in Super Smash Bros
Super Smash Bros Ultimate has a hecking ton of stages, but there's always room for more, right? Here...

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