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Film and TV

Amsterdam Film Review 2022 Movie
Amsterdam, directed by David O. Russell and featuring talented actors such as Christian Bale, Margot...
The Immaculate Room Review 2022 Film
The Immaculate Room, despite occasional bursts of creativity and excitement, ultimately falls into the...
Fantastic Mr. Fox Analysis: Individuality & Change
Weaving Individuality and Change Wes Anderson’s extraordinary film, Fantastic Mr. Fox, masterfully...
Aliens (1986) Film Review: Sci-Fi Movie James Cameron
Aliens, the 1986 sequel to Ridley Scott’s Alien, stands as a testament to James Cameron’s...
Taxi Driver Film Analysis: 1976 Movie | Martin Scorsese
Taxi Driver, directed by Martin Scorsese in 1976, explores the complexities of the human psyche, offering...
5 Movies Where People Are Game Characters
It has been a while since the release of Shawn Levy’s Free Guy, a film where the protagonist discovers...
Fall 2022 Film Review
Lionsgate’s Fall (2022) is a captivating and spine-chilling thriller that manages to leave an impression,...
After Hours (1985) Film Review
If you’re a fan of Martin Scorsese’s films like Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, and The Wolf of...
Sexy Beast Film Review
Jonathan Glazer’s Sexy Beast is a slick crime film that shines thanks to its dark humor and an...
Crimson Peak Review: Film Guillermo Del Toro Movie
The horror genre has undergone captivating transformations over the past decade, shedding its reputation...
Actors Who Turned Down Major Roles
Have you ever wondered how some of our favorite films would have turned out if the actors had stuck to...
raw movie review
Raw Horror Film Review
An Unsettling Journey of Selfhood and Social Dynamics In the realm of darkness and subdued emotions,...

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