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Who Do We Blame For Switch Persona 5 S Expectations?

Rumors of Persona 5 S left us wanting a Switch version. Now that we know it's more of a Musou game, who do we blame? Is the blame justified?

Expectations can often get the better of us — maybe we expect something specific to happen in a story, that things just had to turn out a certain way. But no matter what happens, we must always remember to keep our expectations in check, especially when it comes to real life. Everyone expected  Persona 5 S to be a Switch port, but it was revealed recently to actually be Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers.  And a lot of fans were upset.

Where Did the Persona 5 Rumors Come From?

When Joker, the main protagonist of Persona 5 was announced as the latest playable character in Super Smash Bros Utimate, players’ minds raced. Could this mean that Persona 5 is coming to the Nintendo Switch? Will we FINALLY be able to take this exceedingly long role-playing game with us on the go?


The thing is, Nintendo NEVER said anything to indicate that the original Persona 5 was coming to the Switch. But fans assume. And those assumptions led to the eventual heartbreak and hurt they expressed over the Internet about this supposed snub. Once fans learned that Persona 5 S was a Musou (Warriors series) game called Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers, they raged. Even those who enjoy Warriors games like Hyrule Warriors or Fire Emblem Warriors still felt let down. (And Warriors games are fun as heck, by the way).

Where Does the Blame Lie?

So you may ask, who is at fault here? Is it the fans’ fault for expecting something that was never guaranteed? Is it Nintendo’s fault for not being clearer with their acknowledgement of rumors?

The truth is, companies exist to make money, and video game companies are no exception. Nintendo felt Joker’s inclusion in Smash was a slam dunk (as evidenced by the reveal video’s code name), and they knew what assumptions would follow.

But as stated before, Nintendo is a business and maintaining hype for their product is their job. Sure, some who feel burned may not get Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers on “principle”, but those who love Warriors games, those who played and enjoyed Hyrule or Fire Emblem Warriors and fans of the Persona series will still play it. Nintendo, in this instance, did its job. It really falls on us, as the fans, to keep our expectations in check.


There’s Always Hope

But if this article leaves you saying, “Well, we have a right to be ticked off. They failed us as their loyal customers,” no one in this world owes you a darn thing. No one. But more importantly, this doesn’t discount the possibility that Persona 5 The Royal could still be ported to the Switch. Persona 5 was made on previous generation hardware — you can buy it for the PlayStation 3. There is no reason, graphically speaking, that it couldn’t run on the Switch. There may be a contract somewhere that says Persona 5 can’t exist on Switch, but honestly, who knows?


When it comes to expectations, you could be cynical about it all. You could say that Nintendo broke an implied promise, and that they may never bring Persona 5 to Switch. But for now I’ll choose to hope. You never know what the future will bring.

But what do you think? Were you let down by a lack of Persona 5 Switch port? Whose fault is it? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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