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Video Game Music and Hip-Hop | Culture of Gaming

The amalgamation of video game music and hip-hop has been present ever since the gaming boom of the 80s. Here are some recent hip-hop songs that have taken inspiration from famous video game soundtracks and sound effects.

The amalgamation of video game music and hip-hop has been present ever since the gaming boom of the 80s. Both sub-genres have made it into the mainstream due to the lengthy success of the SNES and artists calling back to their favorite games for the nostalgia value.

The motherboard for the SNES contains two sound chips working together to create all the audio, sound effects and music. This allows the SNES to have access to eight sound channels, three more than the previous NES console. Composers can layer sounds together by loading audio in from different sounds and instruments, giving them full creative control. This revolutionized video games forever and led to the creation of the most iconic soundtracks.

Hip-hop does something similar by sampling parts of pre-existing songs or sounds and reconstructing them over a stylized rhythmic beat. Giving a rise to the creation of some unique music with samples from the strangest of places.

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