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The Top 5 Heroes In Gaming | Culture of Gaming

The best heroes in gaming can be a subjective thing. But sometimes, the best gaming heroes are the most obvious. We take a look through some of the best.

How does one define a hero? Some would say a hero must defy all the odds against them. Others would believe that a hero must show more kindness and compassion than all others. In reality, however, there are no set qualities that all heroes fall under. In fact, it tends to be those differences that make each individual hero heroic.

Of course, that doesn’t change the fact that some heroes rise above the rest. That’s why we have decided to discuss five of the best heroes in gaming, no matter the genre. As always, keep in mind that this list is our opinion and that some of our choices might not match with yours. With that out of the way, lets count down the top five heroes in gaming.

5. Sora (Kingdom Hearts Series)

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Kingdom Hearts series. He’s seen his best friends suffer at the hands of darkness, lost his power multiple times, and failed the test to become a true Keyblade master. Yet, despite it all, Sora still smiles through it all and continues to fight against the darkness. I know I presonally would have given up by then, but not Sora. He puts everyone else before his own self just because he cares, and doesn’t that truly scream “hero”?

4. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider Series)

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Lara Croft has gone through an interesting transformation. Originally viewed as a sexualized object among the gaming community, the face of the Tomb Raider series began to enter a new role. As the character went through many reiterations across multiple mediums, Lara began to represent female heroism more than sexuality. Many gamers, both female and male, admire Lara’s intelligence and courage that allows her to enter even the deadliest temples. While off to a rough start, this tomb raider earned her status as both a role model and hero to women everywhere.

3. Samus Aran (Metroid Series)

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While also representing a strong female hero, Samus Aran started at a different end of the spectrum than Lara Croft. When the original Metroid released, few expected the human underneath the helmet to be a woman. Fortunately, that hasn’t seemed to effect the persona that Samus gives off. She embodies the idea that anyone can be skilled. Samus ignores common female video game character tropes and continues to hunt aliens as the best bounty hunter out there, regardless of what’s in her way or what she’s gone through. Seeking perfection in what you do can certainly lead to a good hero.

2. Link (The Legend of Zelda Series)

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Link proves that heroes can come from the humblest of beginnings. Often starting as a normal villager, Link rises to the call to action and becomes the warrior that Hyrule needs. Though usually silent, his actions speak to everyone. He always fights for his kingdom, despite the threat. With that kind of character, it’s no wonder why Link possesses the Tri-Force of Courage. Even in times when Hyrule seems to be lost to the likes of Gannon, Link gets back up and doesn’t give up. If The Legend of Zelda games represent the classic hero’s journey, then Link represents the classic hero.

1. Nathan Drake (Uncharted Series)

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Nathan Drake is the Han Solo of the gaming industry. He represents the rascally scoundrel that we can’t help but like. He may act like he doesn’t give a care in the world, but in reality he always manages to save the day. With the humor of Spider-Man and the skills of Indiana Jones, Nathan Drake has all the qualities of becoming a great hero. What makes him an amazing hero, however, comes from his humanity. He doesn’t seem like the personification of perfection like other protagonists. He has flaws, just like us. Yet despite those flaws, he still rises to the status of a hero to those around him.

Who are your favorite heroes in gaming? Let us know in the comments below! Also, be sure to follow us on all our social media pages for all things gaming!

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