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Our 50 Favorite Video Game Songs… Ever

We argued and argued until we figured out our definitive, immutable list of our favorite video game songs!

A bunch of the folks in CoG’s digital office listen to video game music in our free time. For some of us, it’s the only type of music we listen to. You might call us a little biased, and you’d be absolutely correct! We wouldn’t be working here if we didn’t love video games, and some of the most memorable parts of a game can often be found in its soundtrack. As such, we wanted to compile a list that represents our collective favorite pieces of video game music!

A brief clarification: we aren’t musicians (most of us, anyway), so this list isn’t based on any sort of professional music experience, and we didn’t factor in cultural significance either. Rather, we’re judging these songs solely on merit. So, no, the Super Mario Bros. “Overworld Theme” is not on this list – that’s because we don’t find it all that enjoyable, as recognizable as it may be. This is purely a conglomeration of our own personal tastes and opinions.

With all that said, we hope that you find some new favorite songs in our humble list! For your convenience, we made a handy-dandy playlist to shuffle through all these songs, which you can find right here or at the end of the list. Be sure to give them all a listen and enjoy!

50. “One Winged Angel” (Final Fantasy VII)

YouTube mix containing every song (in order, of course), for your listening pleasure.

We had to leave a bunch of songs on the cutting floor when picking our favorites. Were there any glaring omissions that we should have included? Please let us know!

As always, for more on everything video game-related, stay tuned to Culture of Gaming!

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