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Online Privacy in 2021 – How to Get a Leg Up

With the speed at which technology is advancing, one cannot help but think about what it will do to our privacy. While many believe that tech advancement is the end of online privacy, many believe there is still hope as well as a way to use these advancements to our advantage. You may be wondering what exactly you can do from your side to ensure you are safe while browsing online, or you may even be unsure where to start. Down below, you’ll find some practical steps you can take in order to have a leg up on any invasions of privacy while online, have a look!

Delete apps you don’t use

You may feel like you need every single app on your phone, but really think about how long ago you played that sniper game or used that photo editing app that has filters nobody in 2021 uses anymore. The thing about outdated apps is that they’re not as advanced in their security measures to protect your data as newer apps, and unless you update them often, all they’ll do is eat up your storage space and slow down your phone, which is definitely not worth it!

two-factor authentication is such an important feature to turn on in your settings on your devices. Most apps use two-factor authentication that sends a passcode to your other device that you should use in order to continue. Another option, which is sometimes also more secure, is an authenticator app that cannot be intercepted by anyone looking to get their hands on any personal information of yours.

Update regularly

Updating your devices’ software regularly can give you that added protection you need to stay safe while transacting online. If you have an Apple device, you’ll know exactly what this means. Apple sends updates on their system to all their users regularly, wipes any malware, keeps your system fast and efficient, and loads newer and improved security measures on your device for extra protection. These software updates are crucial, and you may have been ignoring that red dot notification for a while now. Still, if you’re keen on keeping your device and its information safe, it would be highly advisable to get cracking on that update. Besides the software update, try and utilize other tools, such as URL Decode and Encode software, to encode your data and provide an extra line of defense.

When it comes to your personal information, it’s much better to take the preventative route rather than the clean-up after a privacy breach. By using the advancement of technology to your advantage, rather than just seeing it as a major threat, you’ll be more than fine to transact online safely and securely, without needing to worry if anyone can get their hands on your content.

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