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My Hero Academia Writing is Putting The Show into a Corner

My Hero Academia is writing itself into a corner after recent chapters, and it will be difficult to get out of without disspointing the fans

My Hero Academia is a beloved anime series that has captured the hearts of many fans with its exciting action, well-developed characters, and thrilling storylines. However, as the series continues to progress, it is becoming increasingly clear that the writing is starting to put the show in a corner.

One major issue with the writing of My Hero Academia is its handling of the series’ main villain, All For One. Despite being the main antagonist of the series, All For One has not been given much development or backstory, making it difficult for fans to understand his motivations or truly fear him as a threat. Furthermore, the series’ constant reliance on All For One as the main villain is starting to feel repetitive and predictable.

Another issue with the writing is the handling of the series’ main protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, and his relationships with other characters. While it’s great to see Midoriya grow and develop as a hero, the writing often puts him in a corner by making him overly dependent on other characters, such as All Might. This not only makes Midoriya less relatable but also diminishes the impact of his own personal growth and development.

The writing also struggles with pacing, with the series often feeling slow and dragging on in certain arcs. This can make it difficult for viewers to maintain interest and engagement in the story. Additionally, the writing also struggles with balancing the different characters and their storylines, with some characters feeling underdeveloped or underutilized.

In conclusion, while My Hero Academia is a fantastic anime series with a lot of potential, the writing is starting to put the show in a corner. The series’ reliance on a predictable and underdeveloped main villain, the diminishing of the protagonist’s personal growth and development, pacing issues, and lack of balance among characters are all problems that the writing needs to address in order to maintain the series’ high standards.

It’s worth noting that My Hero Academia is still ongoing and the story is still developing, and it’s possible that the writing might address these issues in the future. Nevertheless, it’s important to be aware of these issues and to hope for improvements in the writing in order for the series to continue being a great show.

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