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How Old is Bojji in ‘Ranking of Kings’?

Our best estimate is that Bojji is between 14 and 17 years old.

The age of Bojji, a main character in the anime series ‘Ranking of Kings’, is not explicitly stated in the show. However, based on clues we can derive from the story, we’d estimate that Bojji is between 14 and 17 years old. Read on to understand how we came to that conclusion.

Physical Appearance

Bojji appears as a young boy with a small stature, smaller than his younger brother. He has light-colored hair and big, expressive eyes that are often used to convey his emotions. A curse has caused his physical growth to be stunted, making it difficult to judge his age based on appearance alone.


The events that occur in the series also support the estimated age range for Bojji. Throughout the show, he is depicted as a young prince who is determined to prove himself and become a great king. He trains hard, both physically and mentally, and uses his cunning and intelligence to outwit his opponents.

Clues to Bojji’s Age

We can estimate that Bojji was around 1-2 years old when Sheela was killed, as this was when Miranjo realized the curse of giant women only having one child and began plotting to kill Sheela and marry Hilling. If Hilling and Bosse married the next year, Bojji would then be 2-3 years old. With Hilling giving birth to Daida another year later, Bojji would be 3-4 years older than Daida.

In the anime, Daida states he is too old for a hug from Hilling and later proposes to Miranjo, which suggests he is over 10 years old. Based on the common age for royalty to marry in medieval times, Daida is likely 12-13 years old. Therefore, Bojji is estimated to be 14-17 years old.

Impact on the Series

Bojji’s young age adds a new level of excitement and intrigue to the ‘Ranking of Kings’ series. His determination and bravery in the face of adversity are inspiring, and his journey has become a fan favorite. Whether you are a fan of anime or just enjoy a good story, Bojji’s journey is sure to be an unforgettable experience.


In conclusion, while the exact age of Bojji in ‘Ranking of Kings’ is not known, it is estimated to be between 14 and 17 years old based on his physical appearance and the events of the story. This youthful age has added a new level of excitement to the series and has made Bojji a beloved character among fans.

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