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July 23, 2019

Destiny 2: Triggering Heroic Public Events
Each public event has a trigger that changes it from a normal public event into a heroic public event....
Games Perfect for Fall, for the Horror-Sensitive
Want to know what games to play in the fall, when horror doesn't do it for you? Check this list right...
Light and Dark Mode Coming to Xbox One Dashboard
A new Xbox Dashboard feature is available to anyone in the Xbox Insider program. Light Mode and Dark...
Nioh’s Final DLC Heads to the Abyss
Team Ninja's Nioh, receives its final DLC pack at the end of September, with players heading into the...
Whats happening in the Splatoon 1.3.0 update?
Nintendo Switch game Splatoon 2 is getting a new patch release and with it brings tons of new changes...

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