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December 2018

fallout 76
Fallout 76, Bethesda’s Debacle Laid Out
We discuss the debacle that is Fallout 76 and that plagued Bethesda. Bethesda is still a decent company,...
Spider-Verse: The Official Movie Special Review
One of the biggest blockbusters of the 2018 holiday season now has an ultimate guide to its Ultimate...
The Time is Right for the Disney Fighting Game We Deserve
Do we need Disney fighting game? You bet we do, and we're about to list all of the reasons why this is...
Top 5 Video Game Dogs
3. Duck Hunt Dog (Duck Hunt) While the Duck Hunt dog may not represent the typical companion,...
book of demons
The Book of Demons Review
After two and a half years of testing, The Book of Demons, developed by Thing Trunk has been officially...
just cause 4
Just Cause 4 PC Review
Overall, Just Cause 4 is a mess. I found myself wanting more explosive action and a more detailed & fine-tuned...

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